The History of Britain, That part especially now call’d England. From the first Traditional Beginning,
Continued to the Norman Conquest. Collected out of the Antientest and best Authors thereof by
John Milton. London: James Allestry, 1670.
Hobson epitaphs, in A Banquet of Jests, London, 1640; Wit Restor’d, London, 1658.
[ John Milton] The Judgement of Martin Bucer, Concerning Divorce. Writt’n to Edward the sixt, in
his second Book of the Kingdom of Christ. And now Englisht. Wherin a late Book restoring the
Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, is heer confirm’d and justify’d by the authoritie of Martin Bucer.
London: Matthew Simmons, 1644.
Letters of State, written by Mr. John Milton, To most of the Sovereign Princes and Republicks of
Europe. From the year 1649. Till the Year 1659. To which is added, An Account of his Life.
Together with several of his Poems; And a Catalogue of his Works, never before Printed [ed.
Edward Phillips, London], 1694.
Literae Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani Cromwelii, Reliquorumque Perduellium nomine ac jussu conscriptae
a Joanne Miltono. Amsterdam: [Peter and John Blaeu], 1676.
J. M. “Lycidas,” in Obsequies to the memorie of Mr. Edward King, Part II of Justa Edouardo King
naufrago, ab Amicis moerentibus. Cambridge: Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel, 1638.
[John Milton] A Maske Presented at Ludlow Castle. 1634: On Michaelmasse night, before the
Right Honorable, John Earle of Bridgewater, Vicount Brackly, Lord President of Wales, and one of
His Majesties most honorable Privie Counsell. London: Humphrey Robinson, 1637.
[ John Milton, Of Education. To Master Samuel Hartlib. London: Thomas Underhill, 1644.]
No title page.
[ John Milton] Of Prelatical Episcopacy, and Whether it may be deduc’d from the Apostolical times by
vertue of these Testimonies which are alledg’d to that purpose in some late Treatises. London:
Thomas Underhill, 1641.
[ John Milton] Of Reformation Touching Church-Discipline in England: and the Causes that hith-
erto have hindred it. Two Books. Written to a Freind. London: Thomas Underhill, 1641.
Of True Religion, Haeresie, Schism, Toleration, And what best means may be us’d against the growth
of Popery. The Author J. M. London, 1673.
“On Shakespear,” in Mr William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. London, 1632.
Paradise lost. A Poem Written in Ten Books By John Milton. London: [Printer, Samuel Simmons],
to be sold by Peter Parker, Robert Boulter, and Matthias Walker, 1667.
Paradise Lost. A Poem. In Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. The second edition, Re-
vised and Augmented by the same author. London: S. Simmons, 1674.
Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. The author John
Milton. London: J. M. for John Starkey, 1671.
Poems of Mr. John Milton, Both English and Latin, Compos’d at Several Times. London: Humphrey
Moseley, 1645.
Poems, &c. Upon Several Occasions. By Mr. John Milton: Both English and Latin, &c. Composed
at Several Times. With a small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib. London: Thomas Dring,
[ John Milton] The Present Means, and Brief Delineation of a Free Commonwealth, Easy to be Put
in Practice, and without delay, in a Letter to General Monk [1660, first published in Toland’s
edition, 1698].
Joannis Miltoni Angli Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio. Contra Claudii Anonymi, aliàs Salmasii,
Defensionem Regiam. London: William Dugard, 1651; “Editio Emendatior” 1651.
Joannis Miltoni Angli Pro Populo Defensio Contra Claudii Anonymi, aliàs Salmasii Defensionem