The Life of John Milton: A Critical Biography

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Literary History of His Time, 7 vols. London, 1881–94; rpt. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith,
Parker, William Riley. Milton: A Biography, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968; revd
Gordon Campbell, 1996.

Primary Texts and Manuscripts

Acta et Scripta Synodalia Dordracena Ministrorum Remonstrantium in Foederato Belgio. Harderwijk,
An Act Against Unlicensed and Scandalous Books. London, 1649.
Aeschylus, trans. Herbert W. Smyth, 2 vols. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard Univer-
sity Press and Heinemann, l956–7.
An Agreement of the People for a Firme and Present Peace, Upon Grounds of Common-Right and
Freedome; As it was proposed by the Agents for the Five Regiments of Horse, and since by the
Generall Approbation of the Army, Offered to the joynt Concurrence of all the Free Commons of
England. London, 1647.
An Agreement of the Free People of England, Tendered as a Peace-Offering to this Distressed Nation.
By John Lilburne, William Walwyn, Richard Overton, and Thomas Prince. London,
An Alarum to the Officers and Souldiers of the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ireland. London,
Almoni, Peloni. A Compendious Discourse Proving Episcopacy to be of Apostolicall and Conse-
quently of Divine Institution. London, 1641.
Ames, William. De Conscientia et eius jure, vel casibus, libri quinque. Amsterdam, 1635; trans.
Conscience, wth the Power and Cases thereof. London, 1639.
Ames, William. Medulla S.S. Theologiae. Amsterdam 1627; trans. The Marrow of Sacred Divin-
ity, drawne out of the Holy Scriptures. London, 1638, 1642.
Anno Regni Caroli II... .XII, XVI–XVII. London, 1660, 1664–8.
Anonymous. An Answer to a Book Intituled, The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, or, A Plea for
Ladies and Gentlewomen, and all other Maried Women against Divorce. Wherein, Both Sexes are
vindicated from all bondage of Common Law, and other mistakes whatsoever: And the unsound
Principles of the Author are examined and fully confuted by the authority of Holy Scripture, the
Laws of this Land, and sound Reason. London, 1644.
Aphthonius, Sophista. Progymnasmata, trans. and ed. Reinhard Lorich. London, 1546, 1596;
often reprinted.
Applausi poetici alle glorie della signora Leonora Baroni, ed. Vincenzo Constazuli. Rome, 1639.
Aratus. Phaenomena & Diosemeia. Paris, 1559.
Ariosto, Lodovico. Orlando Furioso. Ferrara, 1516; trans. John Harington, London, 1591.
Aristotle. The Nicomachean Ethics, trans. H. Rackham. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard
University Press and Heinemann, 1926.
Aristotle. Opera, 2 vols. Geneva, 1597.
Aristotle. The Poetics, trans. W. Hamilton Fyfe. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard
University Press and Heinemann, 1973.
Arminius, Jacobus and Stephanus Curcellaeus. Examen Thesium D. Francisci Gomari de
praedestinatione: Accesserunt Stephani Curcellaei vindiciae. (Amsterdam?) 1645.

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