The Life of John Milton: A Critical Biography

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[L’Estrange, Roger] Physician Cure Thy Selfe: Or an Answer to a Seditious Pamphlet, entituled
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The Life and Reigne of King Charls, or, the Pseudo-Martyr Discovered. London, 1651.
Lightfoot, John. The Harmony of the Foure Evangelists. 2 vols. London, 1644–7.
Lilburne, John. As You Were, Or, Lord General Cromwel and the Grand Officers of the Armie their
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Lilburne, John. A Declaration of the Army concerning Lieut. Col. John Lilburne. London, 1652.
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People, in behalf of the Commonwealth. London, 1649.
Lilburne, John. The Legall Fundamentall Liberties of the People of England. London, 1649.
Lilburne, John, Thomas Prince, and Richard Overton. The Picture of the Councel of State held
forth to the Free People of England. London, 1649.
[Lilburne, John, Thomas Prince, and Robert Overton] The Second Part of England’s New
Chaines Discover’d. London, 1649.
Lily, William. A Shorte Introduction of Grammar generallye to be used [with] Brevissima Institutio
seu ratio grammatices cognoscendae ad omnium puerorum utilitatem perscripta. London, 1574.
Many editions.
Linguae Romanae Dictionarium... The Whole completed and improved from several Works of
Stephens, Cooper, Gouldman, Holyoke, Dr. [Adam] Littleton, a Large Manuscript, in three Vol-
umes, of Mr. John Milton, etc. London, 1693.
Lipsius, Justus. Politicorum sive Civilis Doctrinae libri sex. Leyden, 1589; Antwerp, 1599, 1615.
Livy. Historiarum ab urbe condita Libri qui Extant XXXV. Venice, 1572.
Livy, trans. H. O. Foster, et al., 14 vols. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University

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