Healing After Loss

(coco) #1


Learning to trust will be for all of us the means by which the
root system grows firm and nourishes the tree of life.

All winter, in many parts of the country, the earth has lain
brown and barren—or covered with chilling snow.
But beneath that apparently lifeless earth the roots of
plants have maintained themselves in a necessary hiberna-
tion. Then, come spring, year after year (with a little help
from us!), the earth comes to life again, and blooms with
beauty and nurturance.
Maybe this can be a model of trust for us in these new-
green months of early summer—that the season of depres-
sion and sorrow will, in time, give way to a renewed love
of life and appreciation for its gifts—including the gift of
the life and the legacy of the one we have loved.

As I have learned to trust the turning of the seasons, may I trust
the life that supports me in my journey through grief.

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