Healing After Loss

(coco) #1


She was easily moved to laughter, a youthful, rather shrill
laughter that brought tears to her eyes, and which she would
afterwards deplore as inconsistent with the dignity of a
mother burdened with the care of four children and financial
worries. She would master her paroxysms of mirth, scolding
herself severely, “Come, now, come!...” and then fall to
laughing again till her pincenez trembled on her nose.

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves (and we’ll
know we’ve passed a milestone when we’re able to do this)
is to remember, with delight and laughter, the funny times
we shared with our loved one.
At first we have little heart for laughter. Later, when we
do, it may seem disrespectful to the dead. Perhaps we even
feel guilty.
But think—which would your loved one rejoice in
more—seeing you sad, or seeing you reveling in the memory
of wonderful, hilarious times together?

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. Proverbs 17:22

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