Encyclopedia of Psychology and Law

(lily) #1
legs, shifting about in their chairs, performing groom-
ing behaviors, or looking away from the investigator
while answering questions such as “Did you commit
the crime?” Regarding the verbal responses, it is
assumed that compared with guilty suspects, innocent
suspects expect to be exonerated and therefore should
be more inclined to offer helpful information. Thus,
truth tellers should be less evasive in describing the
purpose of the interview, more helpful in naming pos-
sible suspects when asked who they think may have
committed the crime, and more likely to divulge who
had an opportunity to commit the crime, and they
should express more confidence in being exonerated
when asked what they believe the outcome of the
investigation will be.
Investigators who use the BAI protocol acknowl-
edge that not every response to a BAI question will
consistently match the descriptions presented for
guilty and innocent suspects. Consequently, investiga-
tors should evaluate the responses to the entire BAI
rather than to the 15 questions individually. There is
only one study with real-life suspects that used the
BAI protocol successfully. When only conclusive deci-
sions were scored, 91% of the deceptive suspects and
80% of the innocent suspects were classified cor-
rectly. Although these results appear impressive, the
authors themselves noted an important limitation of
the study: They could not establish with certainty that
the guilty suspects were truly guilty and the innocent
suspects were truly innocent.
The BAI assumption that guilty suspects will feel
less comfortable than truth tellers in a police interview
is not universally accepted by the scientific community.
For instance, in situations where the consequences of
being disbelieved are severe, both liars and truth tellers
will be concerned about not being believed. The predic-
tion that guilty suspects will show more nervous behav-
iors than innocent suspects is not supported by
deception research. In a mock theft laboratory study,
where guilty and innocent suspects were interviewed via
the BAI protocol, guilty suspects (those who had taken
the money) did not differ from innocent suspects (those
who had not taken the money) in eye contact. With other
behaviors, just the opposite of the BAI prediction
occurred: Guilty suspects displayed fewermovements
than innocent suspects. A meta-analysis reviewing more
than 100 deception studies showed exactly the same pat-
tern: Eye contact is not related to deception, and liars
tend to decreaserather than increasetheir movements.
This pattern was also obtained in a real-world study

examining the nonverbal responses of suspects in police
interviews. The decrease in movements often found in
deception research could be the result of liars (guilty
suspects) having to think harder than truth tellers (inno-
cent suspects). Numerous aspects of lying add to mental
load. For example, liars must avoid making slips of the
tongue, should not contradict themselves, and should
refrain from providing possible leads. If people are
engaged in cognitively demanding tasks, their overall
animation is likely to decrease. An alternative explana-
tion of liars’ decreased movements is that liars typically
experience a greater sense of awareness and deliberate-
ness in their performance, because they take their cred-
ibility less for granted than do truth tellers. Although
truth tellers are also keen to be seen as truthful, they typ-
ically do not think that this will require any special effort
or attention. As a result, liars are more inclined than
truth tellers to refrain from exhibiting excessive move-
ments that could be construed as nervous or suspicious.
This latter impression managementexplanation (liars
put more effort into making a convincing impression
than truth tellers) conflicts with the BAI’s prediction
that guilty suspects will be less helpful than innocent
suspects. The impression management hypothesis states
that guilty suspects will be keener than innocent sus-
pects to create a favorable impression on the investiga-
tor, because liars will be less likely to take their
credibility for granted. Indeed, the results from the
mock theft laboratory study in which the BAI protocol
was used showed just that pattern: Guilty suspects were
morehelpful than innocent suspects.

Aldert Vrij, Samantha Mann,
and Ronald Fisher

See also Detection of Deception: Nonverbal Cues; Detection
of Deception in High-Stakes Liars; False Confessions;
Interrogation of Suspects; Reid Technique for

Further Readings
Horvath, F., Jayne, B., & Buckley, J. (1994). Differentiation of
truthful and deceptive criminal suspects in behavior analysis
interviews. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 39,793–807.
Inbau, F. E., Reid, J. E., Buckley, J. P., & Jayne, B. C.
(2001). Criminal interrogation and confessions (4th ed.).
Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen.
Vrij, A., Mann, S., & Fisher, R. (2006). An empirical test of
the behaviour analysis interview. Law and Human
Behavior, 30,329–345.

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