Self Improvement – The Top 101 Experts that Help Us Improve Our Lives

(Nora) #1

  • the day you realize that you are unique in all
    the world. There is nothing that is an accident. You are a special
    e is an illusion. (Live an illusion if you have to.)
    You are that combination so that you can do what is essential for you to do.

y you can fulfill that tiny space that

single rose can be my garden...a single friend, my world.

e is the end result of all true learning.

keep you

hey will never live up to your expectations.

n our willingness

  • Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to

A wonderful realization will be

combination for a purpose—and don’t let them tell you otherwise, even
they tell you that purpos

Don’t ever believe that you have nothing to contribute. The world is an
incredible unfulfilled tapestry. And onl
is yours.

  • A

  • Chang

  • Don’t hold to anger, hurt, or pain. They steal your energy and
    from love.

  • Never idealize others. T

  • What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret tha
    to choose life.


The Best Way to Get Started with Leo Buscaglia

In 1969, one of Leo Buscaglia’s students committed suicide, and her death led him
to begin an experimental class on personal growth at his university. He called it
the “Love Class.” Buscaglia’s role was more of a facilitator than a teacher, with
opes that he and the students would guide “each other closer to an understanding
an love.” His book, Love, is an outgrowth of
is class, and this is where I recommend that you get started.

Love is a wonderful, easy-to-read book with the capability to enlighten you about
what love really ybody who has ever reached out to touch the
other lia reminds us that:

  • Real love always creates, it never destroys. In this, lies man’s only promise.

  • One cannot give what he does not possess. To give love you must possess

of the delicate phenomenon of hum

is. The book is for an
heart of an. In the book, Dr. Buscag

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