Self Improvement – The Top 101 Experts that Help Us Improve Our Lives

(Nora) #1


ick W

(Expert # 13)

R arren Quick Facts

Areas: A Purpose Driven Life; Strong Christian Values
“The Purpose-Driven Life”
el i

NY Times Best-Seller:
P : Author; Pastor; Church Leader
R ig ous Affiliation: Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California
C rate Affiliation:

Rick Warren Biography

Rick Warren is the pioneer of the Purpose-Driven paradigm for church health. H
is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, which he
and his wife began in their home with one family in 1980. Saddleback is now one
f America’s largest and best-known churches with 16,000 in a


ttendance each

Warre urpose-
Driven on copies in its first year of print. His classic
book, ch, has sold over one million copies in 20
langua ed as one of the
100 C ,000 pastors and
church tries have attended Purpose-Driven Church

Born in San Jose, California, Warren earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from
California Baptist College, a Master of Di
Semin inary. He
has been honored with the Biblical Preaching Award and several honorary

David arren Quotes and Thoughts

w nd.

n is the best-selling author of The New York Times best-seller, The P
Life, which sold 7.5 milli
The Purpose-Driven Chur
ges. It is used as a textbook in most seminaries and was nam
hristian books that changed the 20th century. More than 300
leaders from over 125 coun

vinity from Southwestern Theological
ary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Sem


Riklan’s favorite Rick W

  • The moment you stop learning, you stop leading.

  • To make the best use of your life, you must never forget two truths: first,
    compared with eternity, life is extremely brief; second, Earth is only a
    temporary residence.

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