Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

fig. 48 A layman at prayer, kneeling

before an image of the Virgin, from

Peter the Chanter of Paris, De Oratione et

Speciebus Illius.Padua, Biblioteca

Antoniana, ms 532, fol. 47 v, thirteenth


fig. 49 Rolando the Deacon, Liber de Ordine
Officiorum.Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria,
ms 1785, fol. 1v, late 1100 s. (photo: Gianni
Roncaglia; permission granted by Biblioteca
Universitaria, Bologna)

fig. 50 A typical low chancel screen, in the pieve church of San Giorgio in Brancoli,

near Lucca, ca. 1194.

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