Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 494 Index

Padua (continued)
Popolo, 129 , 135 – 36
public penance, 307
repression of heresy, 140
saints, local, 206 , 278 – 79
viaticum, 391
palaces (palazzi).See also individual cities
communal, 120 – 25 , 136 – 37
episcopal, 105
palios, 172 – 74
pallbearers, 403 , 412
Palm Sunday, 87 , 274 , 317 – 20
Paolo Trintinelli, 449 – 51 , 453
pardons, ritual, 305 , 323
parents and catechesis, 338 – 39
parishes.Seebaptismal churches;cappelle
almsgiving, 138 , 420
Asdente the prophet on, 190 , 199
baptismal fonts, 33 ,figs. 25 , 26 , 27
baptistery, 22 , 27 – 29 , 31 , 125 ,figs. 11 , 12 , 17
bishop and commune, 45 , 106 , 138
calendar, liturgical, 121
candle offering, 163 – 65 , 170
cappelle, 35 – 36 , 38
carroccio, 125 – 27
cathedral, 19 , 24 , 47
clergy confraternity, 49 – 50
funerals at, 395 , 406 – 7 , 412 , 415
inquisition, riots against, 105 , 429 , 443
knights, creation of, 172
lay penitents, 80 – 81 , 94 – 95
legislation, moral, 138 – 39 , 143
Lenten rites, 283 – 84
local saints, 101 – 2 , 204 – 5 , 430
Popolo, 129
processions, 158 – 59
repression of heresy, 96
statutes, 16 , 94
Virgin Mary, cult of, 111 – 12 , 114 , 120 , 123 – 24 ,
participation in worship, lay, 239 – 41 , 257 – 58
parties, 151 , 277 – 78

Paschal Time, 332 – 35
Paschal Triduum, 320 – 32
Pasqua Florita(‘‘Flowery Sunday’’), 318 .See also
Palm Sunday
Passion of Christ
chanted in Holy Week, 318 , 321 , 323 – 24
devotions toward, 360 – 61 , 367
read at deathbed, 393
pastoral staff (crosier), ritual use, 306
Pater Noster (Lord’s Prayer), 349 – 56 .See alsoAve
in catechesis, 313 , 337 – 39

on deathbed, 394
entering churches, 343 , 346 – 47
giving of, 317
heretics and, 294 – 95
lay penitents use, 74
liturgical use, 251 – 53
as penance, 236 , 287 , 443
public penitents use, 305
repetition of, 74 , 76 – 77 , 90 – 92 , 131 , 358 – 59 ,
365 , 367 , 406
in suffrages, 415 – 17
tropes of, 351
Pater Noster Cord, 343 , 352 , 356 , 397
patience (virtue), 191 , 193
patron saints.Seesaints, patron
Paul the Apostle, St., 114 , 122
paupers, 323 , 387 – 88
baptistery, 29
confraternities, 86
flagellants, 99 , 417
lay penitents, 49 – 50
patron saints, 180 , 393 , 406
Pax (rite and instrument), 253 , 276
in baptismal rituals, 330
in death rituals, 391 , 406
Holy Thursday omission, 322
Peace of God, 106
communion and, 270 , 333
at Easter, 327
lay penitents and, 95 , 99
Lent and, 284
penance and, 301
rituals of, 106
saints and, 191 , 198 – 99
Pellegrino Laziosi, St., 183 , 209
penance and penances, 70 – 77 , 181 – 88 , 299 – 301 ,
fig. 25 .See alsolay penitents; public penance
in confession, 285 – 87
by inquisitions, 236 , 436 , 443
Lenten, 284
‘‘penance culture,’’ 69 – 70 , 85
in prayer books, 361 , 363 – 65
processions as, 158
suffrages and, 414
penitenti.Seelay penitents
penitential psalms, seven, 153 , 303 , 361
penitentials, 287
penitents, lay.Seelay penitents
Pentecost, 335
baptisms, 312 – 13
general communion, 85 , 257 , 267 , 295 , 357
knighting on, 127
Peraldus (Guillaume Perault), 290
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