Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Index 497 

ofcappelle, 48 – 51
as confessors, 286 , 293 , 297
confraternities of, 36
drafting wills, 386
duties of, 242 , 246 – 49
funerals for, 396
pievani(rural parish priest), 34 , 47 , 51 , 313
privilege of clergy, 301
prisoners, release of, 323
Candlemas, 161
communal regulations, 155
Easter, 329 , 332 , 334
flagellants, 99
funeral, 398 , 400 , 402 , 404 , 408 , 411 – 12
honoring saints, 111 , 118 , 120
with Host, 265 , 391
marriage, 145 – 47
Palm Sunday, 317 – 20
of Popolo, 134 , 159 , 171
Rogation, 152
Salve Regina, 344 , 427
secular, 156
thanksgiving, 270
professors, university, 148
Proper of the Mass, 258
property, private, 72
prophecy, 189 – 90 , 197 , 384 , 454
‘‘Propositum of the Lombard Penitents,’’ 76 , 78 ,
prostitutes, 19 , 171 , 139 , 294
prostration in prayer, 347 , 355
Divine Office and, 242
lay use of, 77 , 241 , 244 , 355 , 360
stripping of altars and, 323
public penance, 16 , 291 , 299 – 308
public service by lay penitents, 95 , 423 – 24
publicity at saints’ shrines, 209
pulpits, 24 , 335
Purgatory, 93 , 413 , 414
Purification of Mary.SeeCandlemas
pyx, 265 – 66

Raimondo, patr. of Aquileia, 127
Raimondo Palmerio of Piacenza, St., 185 , 191 , 195 ,
201 , 361 ,fig. 54
Ranieri of Pisa, St.
asceticism, 186
commune and, 206
conversion, 183 , 185 , 284
funeral, 402 , 405
hospital work, 72
literacy, 244
at Matins, 243 , 245

miracles and shrine, 202 – 3 , 210 – 11 , 214 , 240
preaching, 198
on the Romans, 188 – 89
visions, 189
Ranieri Fasani of Perugia, 294
Ranieri Zeno, podesta of Bologna, 386
baptisteries, 29 – 30 , 37 ,fig. 13
bell ringing, 176
candle offering, 163 , 165
cathedral, 24
legislation, religious, 138 , 163 , 207 , 301
poor relief by bishop, 45 – 46
suffrages, 416 – 17
Raymond of Penyafort, St., 290
real presence.See alsoEucharistic devotion
doubts about, 432
Francis of Assisi, devotion to, 264
heretics and, 339 , 441
images of Christ and, 347
miracles proving, 262
reception of dignitaries, 156 – 57
Reggio Emilia
Asdente of Parma, prophecies about, 190 , 199
baptistery, 30
bishop and commune, 300 – 301
cathedral, 24
confraternities, 91
funerals, 394 – 95
lay penitents, 49 – 50 , 95
mendicants at, 125 , 420 – 21 , 423
poor relief, 138
reception of bishop, 157
repression of heresy, 140
saints’ cults, 205
Reginald of Orleans, St., 392
Registrum Novum(Bologna), 118
‘‘relaxation to the secular arm,’’ 300
as altar decoration, 26
communes and, 119 , 124
of local saints, 115 – 16 , 120 , 205 , 430
oil-producing, 210
orthodoxy and, 207
in processions, 150 , 152 , 158 – 59 , 319 – 20
shrines and, 43 , 119 , 206 , 209 , 211 – 12
veneration of, 112 , 237 , 431
Reparata, St., 113 – 14 , 120
Requiem Mass, 247 , 321 , 399 , 405 – 7 , 416
reredos, 26
reservation of the Host, 265
revolutions of the Popolo, 104 , 128
Riccardo, bp. of Orvieto, 21 , 305
Riccardo of Trivento, bp. of Novara, 209
rings, 147
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