Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1


The references to published sources, especially city statutes or liturgical texts, would

require confusing and cumbersome short citations if these followed standard forms. So I

have used short descriptive tags rather than the actual titles found in the printed editions.

For example, I use ‘‘Vicenza Stat.’’ for the collection published asStatuti del comune di

Vicenzamcclxivand ‘‘Bologna Stat.i’’ for the collectionStatuti di Bologna dell’anno 1245

all’anno 1267 .When the source has book, chapter, and verse or other division numbering,

this is given before the page reference [e.g., 1. 1. 1 , pp. 1 – 11 ]. When the date of a statute

or document can be determined, I include it in parentheses for the reader’s convenience,

as I also do for chronicle sources. At the first citation of a manuscript source, I similarly

give the approximate dates of the codex and of the original copied, if relevant. This

dating is occasionally silently corrected when library catalogue dates are clearly wrong.

ACGOPActa Capitulorum Generalium Ordi-

nis PraedicatorumI:Ab Anno 1220 usque ad

Annum 1303 ,ed. Benedictus Maria

Reichert, MOPH, 3 (Rome: Polyglotta,

1898 )

AFHArchivum Franciscanum Historicum

AFPArchivum Fratrum Praedicatorum

AIMAAntiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi,ed.

Lodovico Antonio Muratori, 6 vols.

(Milan: Societas Palatina, 1738 – 42 ; rpt.,

Bologna: Forni, 1965 )

AMDSPPRAtti e memorie della Deputazione

di storia patria per le province di Romagna

Aquileia ConstitutionesConstitutiones

Provinciales Aquilejenses Bertrandi Patriarchae

Anno 1339 ,Mansi 25 : 1109 – 32

ASActa Sanctorum quotquot Toto Orbe Colun-

tur vel a Catholicis Scriptoribus Celebrantur ex

Latinis et Graecis Aliarumque Gentium Anti-

quis Monumentis Collecta, Digesta, Illustrata,

2 d ed., ed. Godefridus Henschenius et

al., 60 vols. in 70 (Paris: Palme, etc.,

1867 – 1940 )

ASOBActa S. Officii Bononie ab Anno 1291

usque ad Annum 1310 ,ed. Lorenzo Paolini

and Raniero Orioli, 2 vols. (Rome: Isti-

tuto Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo,

1982 )

BFBullarium Franciscanum Romanorum

Pontificum,ed. Giovanni Giacinto Sbara-

glia, 7 vols. (Rome: Propaganda Fidei,
1758 – 68 )
Biella Stat.Statuta Comunis Bugelle et
Documenta Adiecta,ed. Pietro Sella (Biella:
Testa, 1904 )
Bol. Pop. Stat.Statuti delle societa`del po-
polo di Bologna,ed. Augusto Gaudenzi,
Fonti per la storia d’Italia: Statuti secolo
xiii, 4 – 5 , 2 vols. (Rome: Istituto Storico
Italiano, 1889 / 96 )
Bologna Stat.IStatuti di Bologna dell’-
anno 1245 all’anno 1267 ,ed. Lodovico
Frati, 3 vols. (Bologna: n.p., 1869 – 77 )
Bologna Stat.IIStatuti di Bologna dell’-
anno 1288 ,ed. Gina Fasoli and Pietro
Sella, Studi e testi 73 and 85 , 2 vols. (Vat-
ican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vati-
cana, 1937 – 39 )
Bologna Synod ( 1310 )‘‘Costituzioni
della chiesa bolognese emanate nel si-
nodo diocesano del 1310 al tempo del
vescovo Umberto,’’ ed. Leandro Nov-
elli,Studia Gratiana 8 ( 1962 ): 448 – 552
BOPBullarium Ordinis Fratrum Praedica-
torum,ed. Thomas Ripoll and A. Bre ́m-
ond, 8 vols. (Rome: Mainardi, 1729 – 40 )
Brescia Stat.Statuti di Brescia,ed. Fed-
erico Odorici (Turin: Paravia, 1877 )
CCBCorpus Chronicorum Bononiensium,ed.
Albano Sorbelli,RIS^218 : 1 , incl.Cronaca
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