501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. Which of the following is a supplicant?
    a. an employee asking for a raise
    b.a prisoner of war begging for mercy
    c. a person applying for a job
    d.a supplier of goods or services

  2. An experiment performed on a simianwould be performed on
    a. a human being.
    b.a volunteer.
    c. a monkey.

  3. A person who is known for his mendacitycan be expected to
    a. always tell the truth.
    b.be a great story teller.
    c. be very persistent.
    d.be dishonest.

  4. Which of the following would you expect to undulate?
    a. a flag
    b.an airplane
    c. a dog
    d.a teacher

  5. If you addlesomeone while he or she is talking, you
    a. listen carefully to that person.
    b.confuse that person.
    c. ignore that person.
    d.look that person in the eye.

  6. A person who is under the auspicesof someone else is
    a. estranged from the other person.
    b.a close family member.
    c. beyond that person’s comprehension.
    d.being protected or supported by that person.

  7. If you give someone your approbation, you give them
    a. your support.
    b.your approval.
    c. your love.
    d.your notice of resignation.

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