Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1
This unit provides choral music students at the proficient level with an
opportunity to improvise original melodies while students at the advanced level
can create melodies in a blues style. At each level students apply a set of criteria
to establish indicators of success, and the teacher uses the recorded improvised
examples to document student achievement.

Chapter 4
for Visual and
Performing Arts


First year of instruction

Students listen to and research famil-
iar types of vocal improvisation from
familiar music (e.g., bends, slides).

The choir sings an arrangement of a
familiar selection in a popular style,
discussing and trying stylistically
correct embellishments (e.g., bends,

Independently, students listen to
local radio stations and note the
names of the songs that include
vocal improvisations and attempt to
classify the styles supporting their
classifications. In class students
discuss their classifications in small

Students learn the blues progression.
While half of the choir sings chord
tones, the other half improvises a
melody over the chord progression.
They then switch roles.

Two or more years of

additional instruction

Students examine and study a variety
of vocal improvisation styles from
familiar music (e.g., Stevie Wonder,
Ella Fitzgerald, Mel Torme, Bobby
McFerrin) and learn style names,
including the term scat singing.

While the choir sings an arrange-
ment of a familiar selection in a
popular style, individual students
improvise solos to selected sections
of the arrangement.

Students listen to recorded music
chosen by the choir teacher and
placed on reserve in the school li-
brary, including selections using a
blues progression. Students note
styles used and discuss differences
and similarities between blues pro-
gression styles and popular music
styles. In class students discuss what
they found and give a personal dem-
onstration for each characteristic

While the choir sings a blues chord
progression, individual choir mem-
bers improvise a melody over the
chord progression. Groups of two
(duet) or three (trio) create impro-
vised melodies.
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