Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

Chapter 4
for Visual and
Performing Arts

Visual Arts

Levels of Visual Arts Instruction
All students in California elementary schools should be participating in
standards-based visual arts instructional programs carefully designed and imple-
mented. Effective instruction calls for regular, planned, cumulative learning
opportunities from kindergarten through high school and is characterized by
spiraling, expanding content and diverse instructional strategies.

Elementary School Level
Whenever possible, classroom teachers in elementary schools should plan a
sequential instructional program in the visual arts in cooperation with a visual
arts specialist, lead teachers in the arts within the school district, and members
of the community. They should base their instruction and design of instruc-
tional units on the visual arts content standards. In that way students can begin
to grasp the larger picture of what those engaged in the visual arts know and do.
By strongly emphasizing instruction in the creative process rather than the
product, the elementary school program provides opportunities for students to
explore and appreciate their own creative and original expressions. Through
discussion they begin to understand their own expressions and those of others
and are given opportunities to experience a wide variety of media.
At this level students begin to learn the language of the visual arts by dis-
cussing the world around them and, more specifically, their own artwork and
that from many other time periods and cultures. They also practice using that
language. Through this instruction students begin to understand the historical
and cultural contexts of works of art, the styles and periods of art, and the
expressions of different cultural groups.
In addition, they are given opportunities to identify and
discuss the characteristics of master works of art found in
museums and galleries in the community. For example,
Content Standard 3.2 for grade four in the historical and
cultural context component strand states that the study
of California history is enriched as students “identify
and discuss the content of works of art in the past and
present, focusing on the different cultures that have
contributed to California’s history
and art heritage.”
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