Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

Appendix B

Recommendations for Clarification

of the New Visual and Performing Arts

Requirement for Freshman Admission

to the University of California

and the California State University

All of the following information can be found on the University of California,
Office of the President (UCOP), Web site,

Approved by the University of California Board of Admissions and Relations
with Schools (BOARS), February–July 2002.
Submitted by: Margaret C. Marshall, Chair, University Statewide Arts Advisory
Committee (USWAA); Faculty, Visual and Performing Arts, and Director,
Division of Academic Affairs, UCOP; Faculty, Department of Theatre and
Dance, UC San Diego.

(f ) Visual and Performing Arts
One unit (equivalent to one yearlong course or two semester courses) is
required in any of the following categories: dance, drama/theater, music,
or visual arts.
Intent. The intent of instruction is to provide a meaningful experience
and breadth of knowledge of the arts so that students may apply their
knowledge and experience to the creation of art and/or are better able to
understand and appreciate artistic expression on the basis of that experience
and knowledge.
The intent of approved visual and performing arts (VPA) courses must be
directed at acquiring concepts, knowledge, and skills in the arts disciplines
rather than using artistic activities to fulfill nonartistic course objectives.
Prerequisites. Acceptable courses need not require any prerequisite courses.
Cocurricular Work. Work outside of class must be required
(e.g., portfolio/performance preparation, reading, writing, research
projects, and/or critical listening/viewing).
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