Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

Appendix B • Students may satisfy this requirement by taking an approved

community college course. Acceptable community college courses are
those approved for the Intersegmental General Education Transfer
Curriculum (IGETC), area 3A. Please refer to

The following will be incorporated into the “College Preparatory Elective”
section of the Guide to A–G Requirements:

(g) College Preparatory Elective Courses
Subject-Specific Guidelines
Visual and Performing Arts (VPA): Advanced courses in the visual and
performing arts can be considered to meet the g-elective requirement but
must still address the five strands of the VPA standards. Advanced courses
should enable students to understand and appreciate artistic expression
and, where appropriate, talk and write with discrimination about the
artistic material studied. Courses devoted to artistic performance and
developing creative artistic ability should have prerequisites (either one year
of introductory course work or experience approved by the instructor) and
should assume proficiency beyond the introductory level. Courses must
require on the average the equivalent of a five-period class per week. Work
outside of the class must also be required (e.g., portfolio/performance
preparation, reading, writing, research projects, and critical listening/
viewing). In 2006 and beyond, advanced VPA courses that are a semester
in length will be considered only for the g-elective area, not the f-VPA area,
which must be satisfied by completing an appropriate sequential yearlong

The following will be incorporated into the “Honors Level Courses”
section of the Guide to A–G Requirements:

General Criteria Guidelines for VPA Honors Courses
UC-approved honors level courses in the visual and performing arts (VPA)
should have as a prerequisite at least two years of college preparatory work in
the discipline or comparable (alternative) experience that includes all five com-
ponent strands of the state-adopted VPA content standards.
Honors courses may be open to students who have not completed the pre-
requisite college preparatory work but whose preparation in the art form is at a
high artistic level and who can demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in all
five component strands of the art form. Alternative entrance into the honors
level course shall be by audition/demonstration and a standards-based content
exam (oral, written, or portfolio/performance).
Honors-level courses should be demonstrably more challenging than regu-
lar college preparatory classes and should center on content in the art form that
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