Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

Appendix B dramaturge, actor, or stage manager and then must also serve as producer of

the project or chief of a major area of production. Analysis of the honor
student’s project is required and must include a post-show critique, written
or oral, of the student’s leadership skills that is conducted by the teacher and
ensemble peers, and a critical self-analysis.
Visual Arts course descriptions will define the high level of achievement
expected of the individual student as well as suggested descriptions of honors
visual arts projects. The honors-level subjects/projects may include but are
not limited to compiling a body of work at the mastery level in a particular
arts medium and written research and analysis of a particular genre, style, or
historical period. Critical self-analysis is required through portfolio
development, solo exhibition of original work, and verification of honors-
level achievement relevant to the art form.
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