Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1
Arts Education Program Implementation Continuum (Continued)

  1. Program administration and personnel

Policy A19. The school board B19. The school board and all C19. The school board has
considers the arts to be an
integral part of the curriculum.

members of the administration
serve as advocates for arts

adopted and supports a clearly
articulated arts education
Staff A20. A district plan is
established for staffing a
comprehensive arts education

B20. Personnel are identified
and provide arts instruction in
the schools in a minimum of
two of the arts disciplines.

C20. Qualified personnel in all
four arts disciplines provide
comprehensive, standards-
based arts instruction.
Leadership A21. Leadership roles at the
district and at the school site
are defined for the implemen­
tation of a standards-based
curriculum, for program
development, and for evalua­

B21. An identified district arts
coordinator or administrator
clearly articulates the goals
and the objectives of the arts
education program and
establishes a collegial relation­
ship with administrative staff,
teachers, and personnel.

C21. Designated administra­
tors in the arts disciplines
provide leadership, a vision of
the future, and planning
capabilities. They oversee
implementation of the arts
education program in all district

Note: For the purposes of assigning a score to a criterion, you may use the following scale: 4 = fully implemented, exemplary
accomplishment; 3 = implemented and operational; 2 = introduced, evidence of progress but not fully operational; 1 = not
attempted or at the beginning level of development or implementation; 0 = not applicable

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