Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

Appendix E In-Classroom Use

In-classroom performance of copyrighted videos is permissible under the
following conditions:

  • The performance must be presented by instructors (including guest
    lecturers) or by pupils.

  • The performance is connected to face-to-face teaching activities.

  • The entire audience is involved in the teaching activity.

  • The entire audience is in the same room or same general area.

  • The teaching activities are conducted by a nonprofit educational

  • The performance takes place in a classroom or similar place devoted to
    instruction, such as a school library, gym, auditorium, or workshop.

  • The video is lawfully made. The person responsible had no reason to
    believe that the video was unlawfully made.

Loan of Videotapes

  • Videos labeled For Home Use Only may be lent to patrons for personal
    use. They should not knowingly be lent to groups for public perfor-

  • Copyright notice as it appears on the label of a video should not be

  • If patrons inquire about a planned performance of a video, they should
    be informed that only private uses are lawful.
    Examples from the 1986 American Library Association model policy:

    1. A high school drama teacher wants to show a video of the film The
      Grapes of Wrath to her class. The video has a label that says For Home
      Use Only. As long as the requirements for fair use apply, the class may
      watch the video.

    2. Four classes are studying The Grapes of Wrath. May the video be
      shown in the school auditorium or gym? Yes, as long as the audito-
      rium and gym are used as classrooms for systematic instructional

    3. Several students miss the performance. May they watch the video at
      some other time in the school library? Yes, if the library is actually
      used for systematic instructional activities, the fair use exception
      applies. Most school libraries are probably used as such. If not, such a
      performance may be a fair use if the viewing is in a private place in the

    4. May an elementary school teacher show a video of the film Star Wars
      to the class on the last day of school? Because a classroom is a place
      where a substantial number of persons outside of a family and friends
      are gathered, performances in them are public. Assuming that this

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