Visual and Performing Arts Framework-Complete - Free Downloads (CA Dept of Education)

(Nora) #1

rubric—v. A guide for judgment or scoring; a description of expectations.
run-through—t. A rehearsal moving from start to finish without stopping for
corrections or notes.
scale—m. The arrangement of notes in a specific order of whole and half steps.
scale—v. Relative size, proportion. Used to determine measurements or
dimensions within a design or work of art.
score—m. The organized notation of the instrumental and vocal parts of a
screen—t. A reflective surface onto which a film or video is projected.
screen left or right—t. The left side or right side of the screen from the
audience’s perspective.
script—t. The written text of a play.
sculpture—v. A three-dimensional work of art, either in the round (to be
viewed from all sides) or in bas-relief (low relief, in which figures protrude
slightly from the background).
secondary colors—v. Colors that are mixtures of two primary hues: orange,
made from red and yellow; green, made from yellow and blue; and violet,
made from blue and red.
sense memory—t. Memories of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures.
Used to help define a character in a certain situation.
sequence—d. The order in which a series of movements and shapes occurs.
serial music—m. A type of composition based on a technique involving a
twelve-tone scale. (See also twelve-tone scale.)
set—t. Scenery, backdrops, and props used to create an environment for a
setting—t. The locale of the action of a play.
shade—v. Color with black added to it.
shape—d. The positioning of the body in space: curved, straight, angular,
twisted, symmetrical or asymmetrical.
shape—v. A two-dimensional area or plane that may be open or closed, free
form or geometric, found in nature or made by humans.
slide—m. Gradually changing pitch up or down between two scale tones. Also
called portamento.
social dance—d. Dance done in a social setting, usually done with a partner.
solfège—m. A system of designating verbal syllables for the degrees of the scale.
soliloquy—t. A monologue in which an actor reveals his or her inner thoughts.
sonata-allegro form—m. A musical form using the overall design of exposition,
development, and recapitulation.
space—d. The immediate, spherical space surrounding the body in all direc-
tions. Use of space includes shape, direction, path, range, and level of move-
ment. Space is also the location of a performed dance.
space—v. The emptiness or area between, around, above, below, or within
objects. Shapes and forms are defined by the space around and within them.

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