304 CHAPTER 5 Analysis of Algorithms
concentrate on the selection at line 1. The condition at line^1 requires two comparisons.
The test in line 1 has two "selection blocks," lines^2 through^6 and lines^8 through 16, one
of which is then executed.
- If the test in line 1 (C < A and C < B) returns the value true, one more comparison
(line 2) is made. - Otherwise, the algorithm next tests (B < A and B < C) given in line 8, which requires
two more comparisons. Then, whether this condition is true or false, the code makes
exactly one more comparison (line 9 or line 15). This gives a total of three comparisons
if the test of line 1 fails.
Now, translate this information into the notation of complexity. The notation says that
F 1 (B 1 ) is the number of comparisons needed to execute lines 2 through 6, the "true range"
of the test in line 1. Let F 2 (B 2 ) be the number of comparisons needed to execute lines 8
through 16, the "false range" of that test. G(I) is the number of comparisons needed to
execute the test in line^1 itself, which is^2 for all I. As we noted above, FI(B 1 ) = 1, and
F 2 (B 2 ) = 3. So,
G(I) + max{FI(B1), F 2 (B 2 )} = 2 + 3 = 5
The entire algorithm makes at most five comparisons on any input data. (This is the same
upper bound as the worst case for the Ordering Three Values II algorithm.) Again, this
algorithm is 0(l).
Suppose, however, the procedure Swap were chosen as the key operation instead of
the comparison operation. The third algorithm makes at worst two calls to Swap, whereas
the other two algorithms will actually make three calls to Swap if the list is exactly out of
order. This illustrates a potential pitfall of the method described here. If one chooses the
key operations badly, then the results can be misleading. The examples above illustrate a
potential trade-off. One sorting algorithm may require fewer comparisons but more calls to
Swap than another may require. Which algorithm is better may depend on the data being
sorted and the computers being used.
In the case of sorting algorithms, the key operations chosen are usually either the op-
eration of interchanging (swapping) two elements in memory or determining which of two
elements is larger (comparing), since those operations tend to determine the time consump-
tion of most sorting algorithms. If both comparisons and interchanges are chosen as key
operations, then the analysis is quite realistic for most sorting algorithms.
5.3.3 An Algorithm Illustrating Repetition
One would never expect to write an algorithm to sort a three-element list. If you want
to sort an n-element list where n is at least 5, it is impractical to write an algorithm like
the ones previously discussed, since the algorithm gets too long. Nevertheless, the second
algorithm we present is easily generalized into an algorithm called BubbleSort, probably
the easiest of all sorting algorithms. Ease of coding is its primary virtue. It is also one of
the slowest sorting algorithms, although if "optimized," it can run quickly on certain very
special data sets.
The command
for i =1 to N