Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

(Romina) #1
Complexity of Programs 311

Stephen Cook proved that if propositional satisfiability is in 7), then AfP ___ P. In fact,
Cook proved a stronger result-that satisfiability is A/P-complete-but we shall not even
define that notion here.

5.3.6 Variants on the Definition of Complexity

This material is included primarily to make you aware that there are many variants on
the complexity analysis we have done. We will list several variants here. Some give finer
measures for circumstances when the simplifying assumptions of our previous model are
too extreme. Others measure other important properties of algorithms.

Variant 1: Ways to Measure Input Data Size
We measured the size of the input by counting the number of input values. So, a very
long number counts the same as a very short number. For sorting algorithms, and for
many other algorithms, this is a reasonable simplifying assumption. Even so, for many
algorithms, it is highly unrealistic to count a one-digit number the same as a 1000-digit
number. A common measure is the number of characters it takes to represent the data. So,
for numbers, one can count digits-base 2 or base 10. For character strings, one can count
the number of characters.
For example, code-breaking programs may take only a single integer as data, but the
code breaking takes longer and longer as the numbers get larger. There may be no theo-
retical maximum at all on the number of key operations performed. There is only a finite
number of n-digit numbers, however, so as long as the program always terminates, there is
a maximum on the number of key operations that can be performed on any input from that
finite set.
With this measurement, counting just the number of input data, as we did for sort-
ing algorithms, would be viewed only as a useful approximation of the number of input
Yet another measure of the size of the input is simply the numbers themselves.

Variant 2: Choices of Key Operations
We have already noted the importance of choosing realistic key operations. We assumed
that each basic operation, such as comparison, addition, subtraction, multiplication, or
division, takes 0(1) time. For most programs, this is a reasonable assumption. However,
suppose we had to multiply arbitrarily large integers accurately. Ordinary long multiplica-
tion of two six-digit numbers takes 36 multiplications of one-digit numbers, as shown in
Figure 5.8.



Figure 5.8 Multiplying six-digit numbers.

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