Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

Professionals can help you avoid treating something that does not exist or failing to
treat something that does. Further, health practitioners can help you evaluate the
extent of your progress on the herbal regimen. Consultation is especially important
if you are taking other medications; while some herbs can work with prescription
drugs, others may not. Some herbs can increase the effects of prescription drugs, so
you may need a lower dose of their regular medication. Suddenly stopping a pre-
scription medication and/or a drug interaction with herbs can be hazardous to one’s
health. Pregnant and lactating women should always consult their primary care
practitioner before taking any herbal medicines.

You must also have reasonable expectations of herbal medicine: Taking an herb for
a few days will not undo ten years of poor health habits, nor is it wise to replace a
healthy diet with herbal supplements. If you eat a healthy, varied diet that is high
in fresh foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, your use of herbal sup-
plements can be targeted on chronic but non-critical ailments.

Sometimes walking into a health food store or pharmacy is highly confusing. Many
people are overwhelmed by the wide assortment of products and brands. The follow-
ing basic guidelines will help when selecting herbal medicines.

Store Clerks Are Not Experts
They do not have an adequate scientific background to counsel people.

Go with a Name Brand
Since the industry is unregulated, it is best to choose products made by large, rep-
utable companies that have been in business for a long time. Many excellent prod-
ucts are produced in Germany and France, where they must meet strict production

Check the Label
Look for the word “standardized,” which tells you that the product consistently con-
tains a certain percentage of a specific chemical.

Check to See If the Claims Are Reasonable
Be wary of promises of instant cures for complicated disorders. If something sounds
too good to be true, it probably is.

Consider the Product’s Form
A liquid, powder, or solid extract is generally best. Bulk herbs can lose their potency
quickly. Many herbal tinctures are 50 percent grain alcohol, which may be a problem

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