Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
not cause pain, though people may feel a little discomfort the next day due to rebal-
ancing of the contracted muscles. This sensation can be compared to muscular sore-
ness at the beginning of a weight-training program. Other adjusting methods
include low-velocity thrust adjustment with mechanically assisted drop-piece tables,
various light-touch techniques, ultrasound, and electrical muscle stimulation.


Poor posture robs your body of energy. You may spend many hours of your day walking
incorrectly or slumped in a chair, which interrupts the flow of energy and oxygen through
your body and spinal cord. Take a moment to sit up or stand straight. Imagine that a cord
is attached to the top of your head, pulling it gently toward the sky. This image helps read-
just your posture. Feel your head, neck, shoulders, and spine relax as they realign from a
constricting position. This imagery, practiced either sitting or standing, will revive you.

More Than Just Back-Cracking

As holistic practitioners, chiropractors work with many facets of their clients’
lifestyles. Nutrition education is provided, exercise programs are designed, rehabili-
tation measures are planned, correct posture and lifting techniques are explained,
and activities of daily living are assessed and improved. Conditions commonly seen
by a chiropractor include the following:
■ Lower back syndromes
■ Mid back conditions
■ Neck syndromes
■ Headaches
■ Carpal tunnel syndrome
■ Sciatica
■ Muscle spasms
■ Sports-related injuries
■ Whiplash and accident-related injuries
■ Arthritic conditions
■ Shoulder conditions
■ To rticolis
■ Extremity trauma
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