Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
nutritional awareness rather than a rigid set of rules. Many practitioners support the
value of a vegetarian diet with no meat, fish, fowl, or eggs. They also advocate peri-
odic use of a “cleansing diet,” consisting of fresh and cooked vegetables, as well as
herbal cleansing practices and formulas.
Exercise is an important part of these therapies. Applied Kinesiology practitioners
encourage clients to walk for exercise. Walking is one of the few exercises that bene-
fits all parts of the body. All of the muscles are flowing when people walk with their
arms swinging. Polarity yoga is a series of simple self-help energy techniques that
create relaxation and balance. This body work includes gentle rocking and stretch-
ing postures combining breath and self-massage, both of which affect the flow of
Applied Kinesiology can relieve pain, stress, and muscular disorders. It is used to
detect allergies, nutritional deficiencies, back or neck pain, fatigue, headache, ten-
sion, and the common cold and is believed to have some benefit for those with
learning disorders. Polarity Therapy induces profound relaxation, new insight into
energy flow patterns, and relief from some physical problems.


The next time you are upset try this procedure to decrease your stress.
■ Hold your frontal eminences on your forehead either with the first two fingers of
your hands—the right and left at the same time—or place the palm of your hand
flat on your forehead.
■ While applying light pressure, in your mind go over exactly what you are thinking
and how you are feeling about the problem. Continue holding these points and
going over what is bothering you for a few minutes or until you feel the emotions
becoming less strong.
■ Let go with your hands and look around you. Mentally review the issue again. If
stressful feelings are still there or have changed to other stressful feelings (fear
changed to anger, for example) go back and begin the process again.
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