Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
invasion of a virus leading to a disruption in the first sheath, manifesting as a cold.
Living one’s life in moderation is thought to keep all five sheaths in balance, which
contributes to health and well-being.
Yogic thought places food or aharaon three levels. The first is the physical food that
nourishes the body. The second is impressions or the sensations of sound, touch,
sight, taste, and smell that nourish the mind. The third level is associations or the
people who nourish the soul. Health and well-being are withdrawal from wrong
food, wrong impressions, and wrong associations, while simultaneously opening up
to the right food, right impressions, and right associations. Just as a healthy body
resists toxins and pathogens, a healthy mind resists the negative influences around
The yogic perspective of health and illness is related to internal and external bal-
ance. Although it is recognized that viruses, bacteria, genetics, and accidents can
cause illness, disorders can also be brought on by the following conditions:
■ Insufficient prana, or life force
■ Blocked prana
■ Inappropriate diet
■ Lack of cleanliness
■ Unhappiness
■ Pessimism and negativity

Healthy habits, maintenance of the body, peacefulness of mind, and calmness of
spirit protect people from ill health. Yoga is a great preventive medicine. It helps the
body cleanse itself of toxins by removing obstacles to the proper flow of the lym-
phatic system. Lymph is pumped through the body by movement—musculoskeletal
movement, respiratory movement, circulatory movement, gastrointestinal move-
ment, and so forth, all of which are part of yoga. Yoga also increases the flow of
vital energy throughout the body by opening up and increasing the flexibility of
body joints, considered to be minor chakras. Yoga poses and breathing techniques
allow energy and lymph to flow freely through the entire body, resulting in a body
that works better, feels better, and fights disease more effectively. Health, from a
yogic perspective, can be described as the body easeful, the mind peaceful, and the
life useful.

How Does Yoga Work?

In the West, most yogic practice is focused on hatha yoga, the search for enlighten-
ment through control over the physical body. The regular practice of hatha yoga
prepares the body and spirit for the exploration of all the paths of yoga. You can do
as much or as little yoga as you wish. Some start with all three practices—poses,


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