Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
A Yogic Pregnancy

One of many applications of yoga is in pregnancy
and childbirth. In fact, many of the techniques
taught in childbirth classes, such as focus, relax-
ation, and systematic breathing have their roots
in yoga. The gentle stretching of the poses helps
ease the muscle aches of pregnancy and strength-
ens the muscles that will be used during delivery.
The breathing techniques may lessen the short-
ness of breath that often accompanies advanced
Yoga practiced while pregnant is slightly different
from regular yoga in that some poses should not
be attempted. These poses are the extreme
stretching positions and any position that puts
pressure on the uterus. Full forward bends will
probably be uncomfortable for both woman and
baby. Remember that your center of balance has shifted completely, and thus you
must be careful with balance poses.
With midwife or doctor approval, most women can usually start gentle yoga poses
two weeks after delivery, a few weeks longer if they have had a cesarean section.



  1. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

  2. Simply notice your breathing without trying to change it. Pay attention to your in-
    breath and your out-breath.

  3. Now imagine that the breath is pouring into your heart with each inhalation and
    flowing out of your heart with each exhalation. Just feel the breath flowing in and
    out of your heart. Imagine the breath is pure love.

  4. Do this breath awareness for 5–10 minutes.

  5. Now let your attention return to your environment, slowly open your eyes, get up,
    and move on.

  6. Think about the feeling throughout the day.

Pregnant women should
never lie on the stomach
for any pose. After the
twentieth week, you
should lie on their left side
rather than your back. If any pose
feels uncomfortable, stop at once. If
you experience dizziness, sudden
swelling, extreme shortness of
breath, or vaginal bleeding, see a
midwife or doctor immediately.

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