Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
■ Which colors are appealing to you—pale or deep shades? Do you prefer clear
or opaque?
■ What size crystal are you looking for?
■ Do you prefer cut and polished crystals or ones that are completely natural?
■ How much are you prepared to spend?

Meditating with Your Crystal

Members of the quartz family, such as clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz, are
the crystals used most frequently in healing. Amethyst is the “stone of meditation,”
creating a state of enhanced spirituality and contentment. Clear quartz represents
the clarity of mind that people hope to achieve through meditation. Maintaining a
focus on a crystal helps quiet thoughts during meditation. Hold the crystal or place
it in front of you on the floor or on a small table. Some people take three similar
crystals and position them in an equilateral triangle, forming a charged energy field
in which to sit. Half-close your eyes and gaze at the crystal, concentrating on its
color, shape, and size during your meditation. As you come out of the meditative
state, you should continue to focus on the crystal and open your eyes gradually.
People who are experiencing illness or disease may find that crystal imagery
improves the healing process. You can follow the Pink Bubble guided imagery tech-
nique given in Chapter 16, “Meditation,” substituting your crystal for the pink
■ Assume your meditative position and focus on the crystal in front of you.
■ Close your eyes, while continuing to visualize the crystal.
■ Allow this image of the crystal to become bigger and bigger until it com-
pletely surrounds you.
■ Imagine that you are at the center of the crystal.
■ Notice how you have become one with the crystal.
■ Image the illness or disease leaving your body as you become one with the
■ Consider how it feels to share the same perfection and clarity as the crystal.
Be aware that you are whole and complete as you are one with the crystal.
■ Contemplate how the crystal forms a protective shield around you so that
you are totally safe and secure.
■ When you sense that your inner journey is completed, begin to separate
yourself from the crystal.

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