Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1

Magnetic therapy may be one of the most effective methods for achieving relief from
arthritis, especially in the hands and feet. People with carpal tunnel syndrome can
apply magnets to the front and back of the wrist to help control symptoms.
Individuals diagnosed with fibromyalgia can sleep on a magnetic mattress pad and
use a magnetic pillow, as well as using magnets over the painful areas during the
day. Magnetic insoles increase circulation and help conditions such as numbness,
burning, aches, restlessness, and leg cramps. People with asthma and bronchitis
may find that wearing a strong neodymium magnet over the chest and at an equal
level on the back will help return breathing to a normal state. For minor burns, peo-
ple can place a magnet over the site of injury to speed up the healing and reduce
the pain.

It is unclear at this time whether you should wear the magnets full time or intermit-
tently, though researchers are studying this and other issues of magnetic therapy.
Until a consensus emerges, you should experiment with time periods that seem most
effective. As scientific and clinical understanding increases, we will be able to pro-
vide greater knowledge about how to manipulate magnets for the best effects.


Find a grassy, open area that is in its relatively natural state. You may choose to use a blan-
ket or not. Lie face down with your arms and legs extended in a spreading out fashion.
Notice that all your chakras are in direct contact with the earth. Visualize an exchange of
energy as you release to the earth, with each out-breath, any stress or negativity you have
been carrying. With each in-breath, imagine that your chakras are receiving fresh, bal-
anced, healing energy from the earth. Do this relaxation breathing for at least 20 minutes.
You should feel yourself in a pleasant and refreshed state.

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