Absolute Beginner's Guide to Alternative Medicine

(Brent) #1
In This Chapter

■The history, techniques, and effectiveness of
water-based healing.
■Ways to enjoy detoxifying therapies at

24 Detoxifying Therapies

24 Detoxifying Therapies.

Many cultures and religions, past and present, consider people or things

they find evil or unhealthy to be “unclean” and most have developed

rituals of purification to correct this. In Western cultures, some people

are currently fascinated with the concept of detoxification, the belief

that physical impurities and toxins must be cleared from the body to

achieve better health, in most cases using our most ancient and basic

therapeutic substance: water. This chapter provides an overview of sev-

eral ways people use water to clean their bodies inside and out:

hydrotherapy, colonics, and chelation therapy.

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