parallel. Since there are three principal planes of projection,
there are three principal lines: horizontal, frontal and profile.
♦ A horizontal line: is a principal line which is parallel to
the horizontal plane and appears true length in the
horizontal view.
♦ A frontal line: is a principal line which is parallel to the
frontal plane and appears true length in the frontal
♦ A profile line: is a principal line which is parallel to the
profile plane and appears true length in the profile
(a) Horizontal line (b) Frontal line (c) Profile line
Figure 7.3 Types of principal lines
Besides the above definitions, the following terms are used to
describe lines according to the direction and type.
B. Classification Based on Direction
♦ Vertical line: A vertical line is perpendicular to the
horizontal plane, and appears true length in the frontal