Many studies of public opinion support the idea that most
people form opinions on the spot using a wide range of consid-
erations. Consider the following research fi ndings: Attitudes
about immigration are shaped by evaluations of the state of
the economy.^14 People judge government spending proposals
diff erently depending on whether a Republican or a Demo-
crat made the proposal, using their own party identifi ca-
tion as a consideration.^15 Evaluations of affi rmative action
programs vary depending on whether the survey question
reminds respondents that such programs might hurt their
own economic well-being.^16 Voters’ party identifi cation and
ideolog y infl uence their evaluations of candidates.^17 Indi-
viduals’ willingness to allow protests and other expressions
of opinions they disagree with depends on their belief in tol-
erance.^18 And if people feel obligated to help others in need,
they are more likely to support government programs that
benefi t the poor.^19 As all these examples show, diverse con-
siderations play a signifi cant role in infl uencing citizens’ political opinions.
Sometimes, competing or contradictory considerations infl uence the
opinion-formation process. In the case of abortion laws, many people believe in
protecting human life but also in allowing women to make their own medical
decisions.^20 When a survey asks someone with both beliefs for her opinion about
abortion laws, her response will depend on which consideration comes to mind
and seems most relevant as she is answering the question. Opinions about other
morally complex issues such as right-to-die legislation, or about race-related
issues such as affi rmative action, also often involve competing considerations.^21
Even events can become considerations. For example, following the September 11
attacks, researchers began surveying Americans about their fears of another terror-
ist attack. For example, every time a terrorist attack occurred in the next few years,
regardless of its location, the percentage of Americans answering that they were
“very worried” about a future attack rose signifi cantly. What other events can you
think of that have galvanized American public opinion?
Sources of Opinions
There are numerous sources of public opinion. Some arise from early life experi-
ences, such as exposure to the beliefs of parents, relatives, or teachers; others result
from later life events. Politicians and other political actors also play a critical role
in the opinion-formation process.
Socialization: Families and Communities
Theories of political socialization show that many people’s political opinions
start with what they learned from their parents, including liberal–conservative ide-
ology, level of trust in others, class identity, and ethnic identity.^22 Although people
pro-choice and pro-life protesters
may conceal the more nuanced
considerations that underlie
most Americans’ opinions about
abortion. Most Americans believe
that the decision to have an
abortion should be left up to the
woman but are uncomfortable
allowing unrestricted access to
the procedure.
political socialization The
process by which an individual’s
political opinions are shaped by
other people and the surrounding