Style at Home

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Don’t let them rule the roost – here’s how to maintain your householdKee p your hou seCLEAN & TIDYSharing your home with animalscertainly comes with its cleaningchallenges, but by setting a fewground rules you can make itmanageable and part of your everydayroutine. To help keep hair, odours andmuddy paw prints contained as much aspossible, be strict about which parts ofthe house your pet is allowed into.``````If your pet isn’tsatisfied with theirbed, designate apiece of furniture asa pet-friendly spot``````FLYING FURPet hair is a big challenge for catand dog owners. Place a towel orthrow in their favourite spot tohelp keep the problem contained,and shake it out or pop it in thewash. Use lint rollers to removesurface hair from furniture beforevacuuming for a deeper clean. Forhard floors, use an electrostaticmop rather than a vacuum. Finally,groom your pet on a regular basis,brushing them outside if possible.MUCKY PUPSPaw prints are a common sight formost pet owners, but by followinga few simple steps you can keepyour floors tidy. Leave a towel ora pack of paw wipes by your frontdoor to clean mucky paws aftera walk. Pop your animal’s food andwater bowls on a mat so it’s easyto clear up any spillages, and investin a good quality freshening sprayto eliminate any strong odours,particularly in their bed or basket.``````SAFETY FIRSTKeep medication and cleaningproducts away from pets in acupboard, and always close thetoilet lid when you’ve been cleaningit with chemicals. Hide cords andwires behind furniture or underrugs, or buy strong cord coversso they cannot be chewed through.A lot of houseplants can also bedangerous for animals, so ensurethey are out of reach and don’t letpets drink out of the plant’s saucer.``````SPICK & SPANRestore order with thesepet-friendly solutions3 buys to tryWHEN ‘ACCIDENTS’^ HAPPEN, CLEAN^THEM UP IMMEDIATELY. IF YOU LEAVE THEMESS, IT WILL START TO SMELL AND STAINBissellProHeat 2XRevolution,£299.99,Currys``````StainShotpet cleanerspray,£3.49, Vax``````ViledaSuperMociothree actionmop, £6.45,Homebase116 |SEPTEMBER 2016 it PET SPECIAL

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