REVAMPSAT H O M EUpdate existing furniture and accessorieswith our step-by-step upcycling projectsG ive it a go!PVA glue, £1.50, HobbycraftFood colouring Clean clearglass jars Paintbrush
1Squeeze a teaspoon of PVA glue intoa small jar (or more for a larger jam jar)and add a few drops of food colouring.Mix thoroughly, then turn the jar upsidedown. Rotate the jar to spread thecoloured glue around inside the jar.
2Once the inside is covered, leave the jarupside down to allow the excess to dripaway. Turn it upright and leave for the glueto dry thoroughly before using.``````TAKES30MINS COST£1.50
DYEDJAM JARSAdd a splashof colour toempty plainglass jars``````Keep the jars outof the sunlight asthe colour will fade
EASYGARDENLIGHTSDO IT INJUST1hr!``````Airo table, £15; Gina vase, £20, Habitat.Prints, £7.95 each, Paper Plane Cockatooornament, £10, Paperchase. Suitcases,£20 for three, Sass & Belle``````PINEAPPLE CHAIRLend a truly tropical twist to a plain chair!``````TAK E S1HR COST£20``````PROJECTS``````BECKY CLARKE``````STYLING``````CASSIE PRYCE``````PHOTOGRAPHS``````DAVID GILES``````Chair (we used the Ikea Poangarmchair) 2m Ananas Tropical fabric,£10 per m, Textile Express Sewingmachine & thread Fabric scissors
1Remove the cushion from the chairand unpick the head section. Cut afull-width piece of fabric 142cm long andfold in half with right sides together. Stitchthe edges together 8cm from the selvedge,trim the excess and press the seam open``````to make a tube. Repeat with a piece offabric 40cm long for the head cushion.
2Reposition seam so it runs down thecentre of the tube. Stitch across thelower edge, turn through to the right sideand press. Repeat to make head cushioncover. Slide cushions into their covers,seams at the back. Lay cushions in a linewith the open cover edges together. Pinthe two cushions together above theends, then stitch. Replace on the chair.
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)