Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


PID=2236|TID=2248|(0) disp+work.exe!chckpass (0x202c770, L"Brewered1 ⤦
Ç ", 0x41) (called from 0x1402f1060 (disp+work.exe!usrexist+0x3c0))
PID=2236|TID=2248|(0) disp+work.exe!chckpass -> 0x35

The call path is:syssigni()->DyISigni()->dychkusr()->usrexist()->chckpass().

The number 0x35 is an error returned inchckpass()at that point:

.text:00000001402ED567 loc_1402ED567: ; CODE XREF: chckpass+B4
.text:00000001402ED567 mov rcx, rbx ; usr02
.text:00000001402ED56A call password_idle_check
.text:00000001402ED56F cmp eax, 33h
.text:00000001402ED572 jz loc_1402EDB4E
.text:00000001402ED578 cmp eax, 36h
.text:00000001402ED57B jz loc_1402EDB3D
.text:00000001402ED581 xor edx, edx ; usr02_readonly
.text:00000001402ED583 mov rcx, rbx ; usr02
.text:00000001402ED586 call password_attempt_limit_exceeded
.text:00000001402ED58B test al, al
.text:00000001402ED58D jz short loc_1402ED5A0
.text:00000001402ED58F mov eax, 35h
.text:00000001402ED594 add rsp, 60h
.text:00000001402ED598 pop r14
.text:00000001402ED59A pop r12
.text:00000001402ED59C pop rdi
.text:00000001402ED59D pop rsi
.text:00000001402ED59E pop rbx
.text:00000001402ED59F retn

Fine, let’s check:

tracer64.exe -a:disp+work.exe bpf=disp+work.exe!password_attempt_limit_exceeded,args:4,unicode,⤦

PID=2744|TID=360|(0) disp+work.exe!password_attempt_limit_exceeded (0x202c770, 0, 0x257758, 0)⤦
Ç(called from 0x1402ed58b (disp+work.exe!chckpass+0xeb))
PID=2744|TID=360|(0) disp+work.exe!password_attempt_limit_exceeded -> 1
PID=2744|TID=360|We modify return value (EAX/RAX) of this function to 0
PID=2744|TID=360|(0) disp+work.exe!password_attempt_limit_exceeded (0x202c770, 0, 0, 0) (called⤦
Ç from 0x1402e9794 (disp+work.exe!chngpass+0xe4))
PID=2744|TID=360|(0) disp+work.exe!password_attempt_limit_exceeded -> 1
PID=2744|TID=360|We modify return value (EAX/RAX) of this function to 0

Excellent! We can successfully login now.

By the way, we can pretend we forgot the password, fixing thechckpass()function to return a value of 0 is enough to bypass
the check:

tracer64.exe -a:disp+work.exe bpf=disp+work.exe!chckpass,args:3,unicode,rt:0

PID=2744|TID=360|(0) disp+work.exe!chckpass (0x202c770, L"bogus ⤦
Ç ", 0x41) (called from 0x1402f1060 (disp+work.exe!usrexist+0x3c0))
PID=2744|TID=360|(0) disp+work.exe!chckpass -> 0x35
PID=2744|TID=360|We modify return value (EAX/RAX) of this function to 0

What also can be said while analyzing thepassword_attempt_limit_exceeded()function is that at the very beginning of it, this
call can be seen:

lea rcx, aLoginFailed_us ; "login/failed_user_auto_unlock"
call sapgparam
test rax, rax
jz short loc_1402E19DE
movzx eax, word ptr [rax]
cmp ax, 'N'
jz short loc_1402E19D4
cmp ax, 'n'
jz short loc_1402E19D4
cmp ax, '0'
jnz short loc_1402E19DE

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