Reverse Engineering for Beginners

(avery) #1


00A6|F0 20 88 20 28 00 ld4 r15 = [r34], 4 // load z
00AC|44 06 01 84 adds r32 = 100, r32;; // ptr to ctx->KEY⤦
00B0|08 98 00 20 10 10 ld4 r19 = [r16] // r19=k2
00B6|00 01 00 00 42 40 mov r16 = r0 // r0 always contain⤦
Ç zero
00BC|00 08 CA 00 mov.i r2 = // save lc register
00C0|05 70 00 44 10 10 9E FF FF FF 7F 20 ld4 r14 = [r34] // load y
00CC|92 F3 CE 6B movl r17 = 0xFFFFFFFF9E3779B9;; // TEA_DELTA
00D0|08 00 00 00 01 00 nop.m 0
00D6|50 01 20 20 20 00 ld4 r21 = [r8] // r21=k0
00DC|F0 09 2A 00 mov.i = 31 // TEA_ROUNDS is 32
00E0|0A A0 00 06 10 10 ld4 r20 = [r3];; // r20=k1
00E6|20 01 80 20 20 00 ld4 r18 = [r32] // r18=k3
00EC|00 00 04 00 nop.i 0
00F0| loc_F0:
00F0|09 80 40 22 00 20 add r16 = r16, r17 // r16=sum, r17=⤦
00F6|D0 71 54 26 40 80 shladd r29 = r14, 4, r21 // r14=y, r21=k0
00FC|A3 70 68 52 extr.u r28 = r14, 5, 27;;
0100|03 F0 40 1C 00 20 add r30 = r16, r14
0106|B0 E1 50 00 40 40 add r27 = r28, r20;; // r20=k1
010C|D3 F1 3C 80 xor r26 = r29, r30;;
0110|0B C8 6C 34 0F 20 xor r25 = r27, r26;;
0116|F0 78 64 00 40 00 add r15 = r15, r25 // r15=z
011C|00 00 04 00 nop.i 0;;
0120|00 00 00 00 01 00 nop.m 0
0126|80 51 3C 34 29 60 extr.u r24 = r15, 5, 27
012C|F1 98 4C 80 shladd r11 = r15, 4, r19 // r19=k2
0130|0B B8 3C 20 00 20 add r23 = r15, r16;;
0136|A0 C0 48 00 40 00 add r10 = r24, r18 // r18=k3
013C|00 00 04 00 nop.i 0;;
0140|0B 48 28 16 0F 20 xor r9 = r10, r11;;
0146|60 B9 24 1E 40 00 xor r22 = r23, r9
014C|00 00 04 00 nop.i 0;;
0150|11 00 00 00 01 00 nop.m 0
0156|E0 70 58 00 40 A0 add r14 = r14, r22
015C|A0 FF FF 48 br.cloop.sptk.few loc_F0;;
0160|09 20 3C 42 90 15 st4 [r33] = r15, 4 // store z
0166|00 00 00 02 00 00 nop.m 0
016C|20 08 AA 00 mov.i = r2;; // restore lc⤦
0170|11 00 38 42 90 11 st4 [r33] = r14 // store y
0176|00 00 00 02 00 80 nop.i 0
017C|08 00 84 00 br.ret.sptk.many b0;;

First of all, allIA64instructions are grouped into 3-instruction bundles. Each bundle has a size of 16 bytes (128 bits) and
consists of template code (5 bits) + 3 instructions (41 bits for each). IDAshows the bundles as 6+6+4 bytes —you can easily
spot the pattern.

All 3 instructions from each bundle usually executes simultaneously, unless one of instructions has a “stop bit”.

Supposedly, Intel and HP engineers gathered statistics on most frequent instruction patterns and decided to bring bundle
types (AKA“templates”): a bundle code defines the instruction types in the bundle. There are 12 of them. For example,
the zeroth bundle type isMII, which implies the first instruction is Memory (load or store), the second and third ones are I
(integer instructions). Another example is the bundle of type 0x1d:MFB: the first instruction is Memory (load or store), the
second one is Float (FPUinstruction), and the third is Branch (branch instruction).

If the compiler cannot pick a suitable instruction for the relevant bundle slot, it may insert aNOP: you can see here the
nop.iinstructions (NOPat the place where the integer instruction might be) ornop.m(a memory instruction might be at
this slot). NOPs are inserted automatically when one uses assembly language manually.

And that is not all. Bundles are also grouped. Each bundle may have a “stop bit”, so all the consecutive bundles with a
terminating bundle which has the “stop bit” can be executed simultaneously. In practice, Itanium 2 can execute 2 bundles
at once, resulting in the execution of 6 instructions at once.

So all instructions inside a bundle and a bundle group cannot interfere with each other (i.e., must not have data hazards). If
they do, the results are to be undefined.

Each stop bit is marked in assembly language as two semicolons (;;) after the instruction. So, the instructions at [90-ac]

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