How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


Team Armour

Y our defined and refined vision will get a client in the
door, but it’s the service you provide your clients that is the key
to getting them back.
Jake Armour lives this truth. In a time when many photo-
graphers are wondering where all the clients have gone, Jake
leads a team that has blown all of their financials goals right
through the roof. While the Armour vision is tight, Jake and
Hope Armour, his wife and marketing director, cite their team
approach to servicing clients as the key ingredient that has led
to the studio’s continued and substantial growth.

Team Armour is not just a phrase. It’s what we
are. It’s the way we work together. We have two pho-
tographers and a producer here in our studio. In
addition, Hope oversees the business direction and
Jason handles all of our sales and marketing efforts.
While everyone has specific tasks, we all step beyond
the bounds whenever it’s needed. Most importantly,
we all follow the same mission—to provide our clients
with the comfort of knowing that they can trust us to
deliver the project they need, on time, on budget
within an atmosphere that is casual, inclusive,
and fun.

Armour clearly understands the value that the team con-
cept brings to his clients. “Our clients are constantly busy. They
look to us to deliver unique creative, sometimes within short

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