How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


17. Habit or Trend

Photographers always want to know what buyers are think-
ing about and which visual styles and trends are hot. In addi-
tion, they often ask questions that speak to the popularity of
specific types of image subjects. I am often asked, “Does anyone
hire still life anymore? It seems as if all the ads I see are about
people and lifestyle.” Other shooters want to know about the
nuts and bolts of presentation formats. A common query: “Are
other photographers showing print books or single pages in a
box?” It’s pretty clear that digital photography has replaced
film in every area of the business, but questions regarding the
“new” colors persist: “What’s with the new postpro colors? Do
I have to change all the images in my book in order to have my
color be competitive with the new look?” And simply everyone
seems to be asking, “Do buyers want to see print books or do
they just buy off Web sites?”
All of these questions speak to a photographer’s interest in
understanding buyers’ patterns. Everyone wants to know how
to attract more clients. It’s wonderful that photographers are
keenly aware that buyers’ tastes and habits change, for being
conscious of what’s happening in our industry is a key to suc-
cess. However, the information you glean should be a guide,
not a taskmaster, and it will be important for you to distinguish
between a trend that is passing and a habit that is here to stay.
Finally, whether or not you should incorporate the informa-
tion you obtain needs to be carefully considered. As you
explore and begin to examine patterns, be sure you under-
stand what you are looking at. Each time you come to a point

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