How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


20. Truth, Lies, and Self-Promotion


There is a ton of information available to photographers
on the subject of self-promotion. There is also a great deal of
whining and moaning about the state of our industry and the
“thankless” task of self-promotion. In an effort to help you sep-
arate fact from falsehood and in an effort to counteract all of
the kvetching, I have compiled a list of truths and lies for you to
The following definitions taken straight from Webster’s will
provide context for you as you begin the exploration into the
truths and lies regarding self-promotion.

Truth: A statement proven to be accepted or true.
Lie: A falsehood.
Self-promotion: Promotion, including advertising
and publicity, of oneself effected by oneself.

Truth: The Term Self-
Promotion Is Misleading

Your job is not to promote yourself, but to create visibility
and credibility for your business. While creatives do know that
self-promotion is about the business of promoting their
business, it is not uncommon for a talent to, over time,

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