How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
can literally change your life. Julia Cameron suggests exercises
that help you to become present, aware, disciplined, and cre-
ative. This book seems to enter people’s life at the right time.
Be prepared for change. What I love is that you transform while
developing the habit of performing daily practices.
Marc Hauser suggests Your Heart’s Desireby Sonia Chiqua.
He swears, “It is a great book that will help you dive right into
In addition, Marc (one of the nation’s great portrait pho-
tographers) loved Twyla Tharp’s new tome, The Creative Habit:
Learn It and Use It for Life. “The book will help you to reach for
your greatest creative potential. It’s an easy-to-follow program
that lifts the veil off of the creative process and opens the door
to the artist in you,” states Hauser.
Often books will not only offer practical advice but will be
the wake-up call we need.
Simon Plant, a photographer and client of mine from the
UK, suggests a book titled Shooting Your Way to a Million: A
Photographers’ Strategy for Success, by Richard Sharabura. This is
what he says about the book’s effect:

I read this book when I was starting my photography
career. At that point I was very naive about earning a
living from photography. It opened my eyes to the top
end of the profession and made me realize that I knew
nothing! At the time I was already working as a photo-
grapher with my own business but reading the book
prompted me to stop and go back to assisting. I looked
and found a very established photographer who needed
an assistant. I did that for nine months, which proved to
be an invaluable learning opportunity as I learned so
much about the business from him. After that, I was
truly ready to continue in my own business.

We never stop learning about business or about ourselves.
Even the most experienced professionals continue to seek
new ways to become better at what they do. Case in point is
veteran agent Laura Bonicelli. Laura is one of the key players
in the Minneapolis market and she recommends Selling the
Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing, by Harry Beckwith.


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