How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1


Photographers who have tapped into this conscious con-
nection open up a channel that enables energy to pour
through their camera. This connection can be seen, sensed,
and felt, but words fall short. Photography, however, is not
about words, it’s about connection—and through it your
bond to divinity can be truly experienced. When present, it
will fill each image. It is the channel through which your con-
cepts will flow. It is what inspiration is made of. It will weave
its way in and out of creative brainstorming sessions.
A clear example of divinity at work is the concept of being
“in the zone.” Many photographers, when attempting to
explain the feeling of being deeply connected while shooting,
often refer to “the zone” as a very real state. It is a place where
they forget about time and space and are truly present with
what is in front of them. It does not matter whether it’s a con-
nection to a person, a landscape, or a still life set up in their
studio, the zone is accessed sometimes for a moment while
other times for hours. I believe that the state these shooters
are in opens up access to the divine and that is indeed what
they are sensing.
Your vision defined and refined may be the ultimate
physical manifestation of your divine connection.
Photographers who work to develop their visual approach
are technically savvy, andthey have a deep respect for the
unknown, the intangible that infuses all of creativity. These
are the folks who continually spend time looking at photog-
raphy and art that inspires them. They may not know, but
they may sense that what they are moved by is indeed a
manifestation of the divinity that exists within originality.
They go to museums and bookstores scouring the walls and
shelves, always seeking the muse. They know that time spent
simply looking is time well spent. Ultimately, this exercise,
this seeking to connect, helps to fuel the process of
developing their own way of seeing.
If you are ready to enlist, to begin the journey of accessing
your divine connection, congratulations. Keep in mind that
learning how to access the magic will be a very personal journey.
While schools teach the science of photography, I doubt that any

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