How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
occurrence. Over time, creative ideas will seem to come out of
nowhere during different times of the day. You may feel as if
they were simply placed in your head. These are all signs that
you are beginning to open up to the energy that has always sur-
rounded you.
You may experience very subtle changes or you might
sense a surge of ideas and creative energy. Don’t expect light-
ning bolts of creativity to hit you while you are driving to work.
Simply be open to all the possibilities and ideas that will flow
through you.
Perhaps the most powerful gift you can give yourself in the
quest for connection to divinity is time alone. Set time every day
(short as it may need to be) for you.
In addition, schedule time each week—one afternoon or
evening, morning, or day—and claim it as yours. During this
time you may want to meditate, go to the museum, close your
eyes and just be open to possibilities, journal, or work with The
Artist’s Way. You may find that the first few times you do this you
feel indulgent, impatient, uncomfortable. If you experience
this, just breathe, allow thoughts and feelings to arise if any
negative impressions come up for you, bless them and send
them on their way. As time goes on, use this opportunity to
work on your portfolio, create new shot ideas, or refine your
visual direction.
Plan to book this weekly “time out” in your appointment
calendar or palm pilot ahead of time. This is a key step
toward keeping your commitment to yourself. If a personal or
business commitment arises and conflicts with your “time
out,” see if you can reschedule the new commitment. If it is
impossible to do so, willingly give up your time, book your
new commitment in, and immediately book out another time
that week for you.
While you can indeed find any number of very valid
reasons not to keep this commitment to yourself, I would
encourage you to try this. For years I told myself that I had no
time for me. I had two boys and a career and it was, in a word,
“impossible” to set time aside for myself. In reality, I was
simply unwilling. I realized this when it was pointed out to me
that I could arise early (5:30 am) and simply walk in order to
have “my time.”


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