How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
While we were making choices for the exterior of her
book, Lise began the long process of learning the art of print-
ing multiple images on a page. Eighteen months after we
began, and nine months after the goal, Lise’s first book was
Next on our list was the completion of Lise’s Web site.
We started by choosing designers that we felt were right for
the look Lise was seeking to develop. We chose to work with
Alan Kegler and Joe Murphy. They are a design team that I had
worked with before and whose talent I felt would complement
Lise’s style.
As Lise and her design team worked on the inner compo-
nents of the Web site, she and I tackled the task of editing the
images for an online audience.
During this time her mother’s health declined and Lise’s
presence was needed at home on a more constant basis.
It is important to note that Lise was expending a huge
amount of energy. She was the support for her mother and
her family at a time that she was giving enormous energy to
her business. There were days when she cancelled appoint-
ments and missed deadlines, but she never stopped, she never
gave up.
Ultimately, we completed her Web site and PDNcited it as
one of the year’s best Web sites!
I know of no formula that gives us a road map or a specific
approach to take when we are handling so much. We simply do
the best that we can, making decisions about where to put our
attention each time it is called into play. And yes, we just keep
moving forward.
The one element that kept our project moving was Lise.
From the outset she held her attention on her intention to
develop a new body of work. Regardless of her many responsi-
bilities, she kept her focus on her goal.
Today, years after we began, I am still in touch and working
with Lise. Her mom has passed on, she has a new agent, and
now we are in the process of editing new work for both her
portfolio and for her award-winning Web site.
The message here is that life may be full, commitments may
be huge, but your dedication to your art and to your process
must be complete and whole. Events will come and go.


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