How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
our timing but I am not looking at next week or next
month. I am here for the long haul. We had plans to
move to a bigger facility; the current recession was not
our priority, meeting the future needs of our clients
was. In retrospect it was the only way to go.


By listening to Jake it becomes clear that he has worked
hard to develop and keep clients. I have worked closely with
him and I know that there are specific steps that he has taken
that helped his businesses remain active. These are steps that
you can take now, regardless of your finances.
Develop your visual value: Have a specific, tangible product
to offer clients. Use any quiet time to create images and to test
and edit visuals for a new or existing book. Review your current
portfolio and play client. What message do you get from your
book? What type of assignment would you hire yourself for?
Conversely, what’s lacking in your book? Content, presentation,
credibility? This is a great time to create a portfolio that you can
Develop a qualified list of contacts: Buying a list is always help-
ful. AgencyAccess,, and FRESH lists are good
resources. If finances are a problem, learn how to create your own
list of potential clients. For corporate leads use the Standard
Directory of Advertisers (found in the reference section of the
library), for advertising leads the Standard Directory of Advertising
Agencieswill be helpful or go on the Web to
Graphic design studios and editorial publications can be accessed
through their Web sites, which are a terrific source of visual as well
as specific information for all potential clients. Once you have
highlighted companies, publications, and firms, call and ask who
the photo buyer or buyers are. Ask agencies and graphic design
firms to e-mail or fax you a current creative list.
Create a well-rounded affordable sales and marketing pro-
gram. There should be two components to your new business
development efforts: sales and marketing. All too often
photographers develop marketing efforts but forget that sales


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