How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

wish and write down a positive statement that speaks of your
wish in the present tense. For example, if you wish for more
balance in your life, you might create an affirmation that states:
“My life is in balance. My time and energy are directed toward
my business, my family, and my spiritual practices. I am at peace
and comfortable with my life’s direction.” Note that you phrase
the affirmation as if it already exists. The reason for doing so is
because it truly does. The word “affirmation” is no accident.
What you will be stating does exist in the potentiality of being.
Stating your affirmations simply brings your wish into your
Make sure that your affirmation is personal, positive, direct,
and clear. Bonni Carson DiMattteo, a well-respected business
coach based in the Boston area, states: “I find affirmations most
powerful when they are self-generated based on one’s personal
strengths and gifts.” She offers an example:
“I am capable of achieving what I choose to commit
myself to.”
This affirmation speaks to the ability to commit and
achieve. It links commitment to achieving and connects both to
the outcome of success.
Word your affirmation positively. Laura Bonicelli, a national
agent based in Minneapolis, uses affirmations before sales calls
and when pitching specific accounts.
“Affirmations are part of my preparation. One of my
favorites,” states Bonicelli, “is to use my talent’s name in the
affirmation. I might say, ‘John’s style is a perfect fit for this par-
ticular project.’ It’s simple, positive, and to the point. I repeat
this many times before and/or after a pitch. I truly believe that
you can’t put the thought out enough.”
Laura’s statement rings true. Once you have created your
affirmation, the act of active repetition is critical. Plan on
beginning your day by sitting quietly, breathing slowly, and
repeating your affirmation with conviction and heart several
times. End your day with the same practice. In addition to
repeating my affirmations in the morning and evening, I find
myself repeating them in the car, in the shower, and while I’m
In addition to creating my reality with the help of affirma-
tions, I find that they center me, helping me to remember

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