How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

Sometimes, whatever it takes has little to do with the actual
A young art director worked with Michael on a shoot for a
booth display at an international trade show.
Michael was to shoot images that would be displayed in the
booth during a fashion show created by the art director to
launch a line of designer phones.
It turns out that Michael’s photography was not the only
help his client needed.
The art director explains:

It was a huge project for me. One that involved
recreating a fashion runway during the trade show.
I was new and at that time had no experience in hiring
the models I needed for the runway during the trade
show. I turned to Michael and his staff to help with the
entire project, as I had very little experience working
with models. Even though it was not at all a part of the
photo shoot, Michael and his team did everything to
help me. They helped me cast my runway models, they
suggested stylists, and they basically helped me to
produce the event.

Above and beyond the bottom line? Absolutely. But this
felt perfectly natural to Michael and his team. The art direc-
tor concludes, “What amazed and pleased me was that every
member of Michael’s team had the same interest in helping
me. From his studio manager Heather to his assistants,
everyone was consistently helpful and they were top-notch
These comments are important, for once you determine
what service looks like to you, you will need to communicate
your values to your staff. It will be important for all employees
to follow your lead. Whether you are working with full-time or
freelance assistants, everyone who works with you must have a
similar work ethic and service philosophy.
Setting the bar with regard to service is your job.
Clearly, working as Michael does, from eight to six, five to
six days a week, is not for everybody. Helping a client cast a run-
way show might not be your idea of service either.

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