How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
type of profit margin are you looking for? What additional
equipment do you need to stay competitive?
How much money will be spent on your sales and market-
ing program?
How much money do you need for employees? For taxes?
Look at your list of creative and professional goals. Do you
need more income to achieve them? Will they generate more
income for you?
Finally, consider how many days will be devoted to earning
the income you desire.

Goal Inventory
Once you have reviewed each area, you will need to see how
each of your goals works with or against the other goals that you
have listed. Create a final list (for now) of your goals, making
sure that each works in concert with the others. This is the
inventory of aspirations that, for you, represents a successful
life. Creating this record enables you to become aware of what
is truly important to you.
As you continue on the path of developing a successful pro-
fessional life, there will be many other actions that will be of
help, but it will be your state of mind, your attitude, and your
approach to your work and your life that will enable you to
reach your goals.
Are you a positive person? Do you see the glass as half
full? Or are your clients always “pestering you,” asking for
“more than they pay for”? Do you love working with all of the
new art buyers or are clients “getting dumber by the day”?
Are you basically happy or does life feel like a constant


We have all heard that success is not given, it is earned. From
what I have seen, success is not earned, it’s created. “Earned”
sounds very passive. But “create,” now there’s an active word. If
you are ready to create success, put your goals in front of you
and get ready to do some serious work!


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