How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1
shoot for my book, or even create a monthly plan.” The truth is
we don’t find time, we make it. Photographers who are poised
to embrace success know this.
When you are ready to begin the journey of creating a suc-
cessful business, begin by spending one hour listing the goals
you have for your company. Then begin to examine your
Sit down the next evening for one more hour and start to
look at where your work lies. Review the previous night’s
Do you need to better understand your goals, or is it your
attitude that needs adjustment? Go wherever the work is.
Take the risk.
When your goal list is complete and you know where your
work lies, choose an area to focus on. Spend time each day,
whether it is thirty minutes or six hours. It’s the daily commit-
ment that resonates with you. It has been said that “we are our
You will see that as you take each step you grow stronger
and more invested in the process of activity, more excited about
creating success!
Start now. Set an alarm for one hour and spend your first
sixty minutes deciding which habit you are going to change,
which goal you will begin to put into play.
The shoe giant Nike created an ad campaign a few years
back that was hugely successful. They summed up the process of
reaching success with three words and so can you: “Just do it!”


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