How to Succeed in Commercial Photography : Insights From a Leading Consultant

(Ron) #1

provide you an opportunity to work on a prestigious account,
and, in addition, it offers an opportunity for you to creatively
stretch. You are excited as you realize that the fees you invoice
will buy you the new digital system that you have been dreaming
of. The job is two weeks away and, as it is a substantial shoot, you
have begun preproduction meetings with your team; everyone is
ready to roll. Then the phone call comes in and the project is
shelved. You’re not told exactly why, but you are told to invoice
for all kill fees.
You are immediately thrown. Your thoughts turn to the
money you feel you lost and the equipment that you had “men-
tally purchased.” You further despair as you remind yourself
that this job offered you an opportunity to be a creative partner
and that’s lost too. Your thoughts generate feelings and you
begin to experience disappointment, anger, and frustration.
You start to experience a loss of power, and you feel that none
of what happened was in your control.
While you are right that you could not control the fact that
the shoot was cancelled, the reality is that the “outcome” is not
the cancellation of the shoot. Rather, the outcome, the final
piece of the puzzle, is how you choose to respond. It is here that
you have total choice.
You can begin to take your power back simply by redirect-
ing your thoughts. You can choose to react to the news by con-
tinuing to attach to your negative feelings, or you can choose
to see your thoughts and experience your feelings but not
attach to them, choosing instead to say, “It would have been
nice if this job had come through as planned but clearly that
was not to be.” Then immediately move on to another activity.
If you do this, you are then creating closure on your own
The words “wouldn’t it be nice if ” truly shift the energy
toward peace and away from anger and fear.
They have a special power that can be clearly experienced.
It may take a few times of going through this exercise before
you see and feel the effects, but life as we know it will certainly
provide plenty of opportunity for practice.
While you are practicing how to observe your thoughts and
recognize your feelings, do not attachto them. Remember that
it is the attachment to negative thoughts and feelings that adds

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